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Musicians performing Nigel Keay's music


Joel Bolton - At the Hawk's Well
Tessa Brinckman - Labyrinthe
Susan Carmichael - Terrestrial Mirror
Sandra Howard - Diffractions
Chiawen Kiew - Souffle coupé, Labyrinthe
François Veilhan - Labyrinthe
Paolo Vignaroli - Terrestrial Mirror
Jennifer Seddon-Mori - Introduction & Allegro


Luís Alves - Diversions for Quintet
Lilia Bismuth (Conservatoire Mozart) - Sitting in the Ruins
Thomas Hutchinson - Diversions for Quintet
Herbert Lashner - Diversions for Quintet, Diffractions
Franck Le Brail - Souffle coupé
Gena Liévano - Sitting in the Ruins
Marika Lombardi - Diversions for Quintet, Oboe Sonata
Louis Luciat - Sitting in the Ruins
Kamen Nikolov - Diversions for Quintet
Gemma Price - Diversions for Quintet
Hollis Ulaky - Diversions for Quintet
Lili Valdazo (Conservatoire Mozart) - Sitting in the Ruins


Jean-François Bescond - Trio "Adagietto antico", Allusions for solo clarinet
Nicolas Brémaud - Souffle coupé
Dru DeVan - Diversions for Quintet
Jean-Marc Fessard - Diversions for Quintet, Trio "Adagietto antico", Allusions for solo clarinet
Christoph Gaugl - Diversions for Quintet
Valérie Gueroult - Trio for Clarinet, Viola & Piano
Assaf Liebowitz - Diffractions
Frédérique Moine - Trio for Clarinet, Viola & Piano
Elias Rodriguez - Allusions for solo clarinet
Finn Schofield - Diversions for Quintet
David Silva - Diversions for Quintet
Françoise Talvard - Allusions for solo clarinet
Andrew Uren - Introduction & Allegro
Mark Walton - Allusions for solo clarinet


Camille Babaei (Conservatoire Mozart) - Sitting in the Ruins
Shoan Eon (Conservatoire Mozart) - Sitting in the Ruins
Ron Grun - Diffractions, Souffle coupé
Michelle Bryant - Trio, At the Hawk's Well


Mattheiu Arnaud - Diffractions
Eleanor Clenshaw - Brass Trio
Michel Crinon - Souffle coupé
Ross Harris - Brass Ttrio


Guillaume Gibrat - Diffractions
Bill Hodgson - Brass Trio
Dan Williams - Brass Trio


Tim Sutton - Introduction & Allegro
Marc Taddei - Brass Trio
Jerôme Verbecque - Diffractions


Daniel Kientzy - Tectonics pour archi-saxophone solo, alto, mellotron et contrebasse, Maungarei
Eric Tallet - Nocturne, Havrincourt 1918 pour saxophone baryton et contrebasse


Alix Couillaud - Terrestrial Mirror
Delphine Latil - Terrestrial Mirror
Grace Bauson - Terrestrial Mirror


Mary Ayre - At the Hawk's Well
Anne Bertin-Hugault - Variations on a theme from At the Hawk's Well
Laurent Cabanel - Variations on a theme from At the Hawk's Well
Angela Campbell - Piano Quartet (1986)
Dora Cantella - Trio "Adagietto Antique"
Ross Carey - Little Tango Suite
Gwenaëlle Cochevelou - Trio "Adagietto Antique"
Monica Chang - Kind of Milonga
Emmanuel Christien - Moderato à cent d'huîtres
Nathalie Dang - Oboe Sonata
Matthew Davidson - Variations for Violin & Piano
Terence Dennis - Variations for Piano, Diffractions
Tim Dodd - Piano Quartet (1986)
Isabelle Dutel - Trio for Clarinet, Viola & Piano, Voices of the Air
William Green - Piano Piece n° 1
Sherry Grant - New Year in Paris, Voices of the Air
Jeffrey Grice - the dancer leads the procession, Diffractions, Trio "Adagietto Antique", Little Tango Suite
David Guerin - Interlude, Diffractions
Svetlana Gorokhovich - Introduction & Tarantella
Jérémie Honnoré - Le loup et l'agneau
Gemma Lee - Little Tango Suite
Jennifer Lee - the dancer leads the procession, Le Loup et l'agneau
Yerim Lee - moderato à cent d'huîtres
Yoshimi Matsushima - moderato à cent d'huîtres
Nicola Melville - Piece for Judith Clark (1988) (initial version of Interlude)
Kathryn Mosley - Prelude for Cello & Piano
John-Paul Muir - Piano Quartet (1986), Little Tango Suite, Oboe Sonata (1st movt.)
Tom McGrath - Variations on a theme from At the Hawk's Well
Camila Oliveira - Pacific Diptych
Tania Park (née Koo) - Kind of Tango
Gerard Parsons - Four Piano Pieces
Aline Piboule - Oboe Sonata (accompanist for Forum pédagogique, December 2017)
Dan Poynton - Variations for Violin and Piano
Mark Secker - Interlude, Variations for Violin & Piano
Hugh Stevenson - Variations for Violin & Piano
Debra Takakjian - Variations on a theme from At the Hawk's Well
Tiphaine Vaillant - Variations on a theme from At the Hawk's Well, Miniatures pour violoncelle et piano
Sarah Watkins - Piano Quartet (1986)
Virginia Ward-Brown - Piano Quartet (1986), Variations for Piano
Erina Yamamoto - New Year in Paris

Electronic keyboards (Mellotron, Farfisa Organ, Ondes Martenot)

Jacy Desmond - Farfisa Organ on Maungarei
Jean-Baptiste Devillers - Mellotron on tectonics
Fabienne Martin - Ondes Martenot on Maungarei


Ben Ayre - At the Hawk's Well
Alice Fagard (soprano) - Tango Suite
Madeleine Jalbert (contralto) - Tango Suite
François Castang (récitant) - Le Loup et l'agneau
David Clark - At the Hawk's Well
Kayla Collingwood - Voices of the Air
Paul Densem - At the Hawk's Well
Joanne Hodgson - At the Hawk's Well
Valérie Loriot (récitante) - Le Loup et l'agneau
Helen Moulder - Vocalise (1979)
Tessa Romano - Voices of the Air


Miranda Adams - Variations for Violin & Piano, String Quartet N° 2, Piano Quartet
Guillaume Antonini - String Quartet N° 2, Piano Quartet
Janet Armstrong - String Quartet N° 2
Dimitri Atanassov - Introduction & Allegro
Magali Baron - String Quartet N° 2
Lydia Becker - Serenade for Strings
Mark Bennett - String Quartet N° 2
Eiichi Chijiiwa - Tango Suite
Eugenia Choi - Introduction & Tarantella (commission)
Mariana Costa - Diversions for Quintet
Bruce Corlett - Variations for Violin and Piano, String Quartet N° 1
Glenda Craven - String Quartet N° 1
Adela Farcas - Variations on a theme from At the Hawk's Well
Anastasiya Filippochkina - Variations on a theme from At the Hawk's Well
Alan Foster - String Quartet N° 1
Yukiko Imazato-Härtel - Diversions for Quintet
Elsa Jensen - At the Hawk's Well
Tatiana Karpova - Diversions for Quintet
Charmian Keay - String Quartet N°2, Diversions for Quintet, Variations on a theme from At the Hawk's Well
Masha Lankovsky - Miniatures pour violon et piano
Aude de Larouzière - Variations on a theme from At the Hawk's Well
Eugene Lee - String Quartet N° 2
Guan-xi Masse - Visconti Variations
Simon McLellan - String Quartet N° 2
Mark Menzies - Variations for Violin and Piano
Nina Millet - Serenade for Strings
Nicolas Miribel - Tango Suite
Jessica Oddie - Visconti Variations
Elizabeth Patchett - String Quartet N° 2
Tessa Petersen - String Quartet N° 1
Daniel Rémy - String Quartet N° 2
Sébastien Richaud - String Quartet N° 2
Simone Roggen - Visconti Variations
Coralie Usmani - Tango Suite
Miyo Yoon - Pacific Diptych


Peter Barber - String Quartet N° 2
Sara Barros - Diversions for Quintet
Oliver Biber - Diversions for Quintet
Christine Bowie - String Quartet N° 2
Cyprien Busolini - Visconti Variations
Franck Chevalier - Viola Concerto, Tango Suite
Alphonse Dervieux - Piano Quartet, Double Jeu, String Quartet N° 2
Sylvain Durantel - moderato à cent d'huîtres
Wendy Gardner - Introduction & Allegro
Rachel Grimwood - Diversions for Quintet
Paul Groh - moderato à cent d'huîtres
Vincent Hardaker - Pacific Diptych
Joe Ichinose - String Quartet N° 2
Cédric Lebonnois - moderato à cent d'huîtres
Lyndsay Mountfort - String Quartet N° 1
Belinda Prentice - Vocalise (1979)
Erin Reilly - Terrestrial Mirror
Allan Starrett - Piano Quartet
Jordan Watt - Serenade for Strings


Gabriel Casalis - String Quartet N° 2, Variations on a theme from At the Hawk's Well
Jocelyn Cranefield - At the Hawk's Well
Robert Davis (1945 - 2021) - Piano Quartet, At the Hawk's Well
Julien Decoin - String Quartet N° 2
Louisa Deloye - Serenade for Strings
Benedicte de Larouzière - Variations on a theme from At the Hawk's Well
Sébastien Hurtaud - Prelude for Cello & Piano, Voices of the Air
Robert Ibell - String Quartet N° 2
Dimitri Kindynis - String Quartet N° 2
Amélie Mabire - String Quartet N° 2
Annemarie Meijers - String Quartet N° 1
Sophie Morando - Variations on a theme from At the Hawk's Well, Miniatures pour violoncelle et piano
Pierre Morlet - Tango Suite
Eunice Park - Tango Suite
Claudia Price - String Quartet N° 2
Béatrice Raimbourg - Variations on a theme from At the Hawk's Well
Martin Roberts - Pacific Diptych
Bridget Robson - Vocalise (1979)
Joseph Spooner - Prelude for Cello and Piano
Judith Williams - String Quartet N° 2, Piano Quartet

Double Bass

Samuel Abreu - Diversions for Quintet
Jean-Olivier Bacquet - Tango Suite
Esther Brayer - Serenade for Strings
Jeff Ferdon - Diversions for Quintet
William McClain Cravy - Nocturne, Havrincourt 1918 for baritone saxophone and double bass, tectonics
John Middleton - Introduction & Allegro
Guillaume Pagnon - Diversions for Quintet
Frederik Sakham Lomborg - Tango Suite
Eric Scholes - Diversions for Quintet
Raphaël Scwhab - Diversions for Quintet
Rudolf Thausing - Diversions for Quintet